Update - Nov 11, 2010

Since ILC 2010 was held in October, 2010, it is likely that the next conference will be held in 2012.

International Lisp Conference 2011

It is time to begin preparing for ILC-2011, the International Lisp Conference 2011. As a first step, the ALU is soliciting bids for locations to host this conference.

Right now, the ALU is looking for plausible venues. Bids should show what the conference might look like, but not specify how to actually run it. A few phone calls may be helpful in getting estimates, but don't worry about getting details. Your bid is just a proposal; the ALU will request more information as bids are being evaluated. Submitting a bid does not bind you to execute it; the decision to commit can be made later.

The following outline may be helpful in preparing your bid; points marked "[detail]" can be skipped in this initial bid. Bids will be evaluated by the features of their venue, not by the their length or literary quality.

Bids should be sent to by Monday, January 4, 2010. If your bid is incomplete at that time, please send what you have (maybe with a note about when you will have more information).

By tradition, consecutive ILCs are not held in the same region. Thus bids from the US East Coast will be considered, but other locations will be favored.

Feel free to propose and organize bids on Please do not post details or compare one bid against another until after the submission deadline. The goal is to find options, not limit them.

Hosting an ILC requires a significant commitment from the local organizers. While the ALU plans to relieve that burden by having others handle things like the program, certain tasks require local contacts. In particular, a local company is created to handle payments for catering and conference facilities, collect registration fees, and provide a full account of expenses when the conference is finished. This would completely overwhelm a single organizer, so a local team is necessary. Preparing a bid together may be a good teambuilding exercise...

The ALU would like to thank you in advance for each bid to host ILC 2011.

© alu 2009